12/26/2017 ~ 1/02/2018

                                         Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year !


Ueno Zoo’s panda cub Xiang Xiang makes her media debut

Area merchants prepared to cash in on panda mania

by and


                  私の正月用の清酒に選んだ’ 福寿 ’


Peru’s president grants medical pardon for jailed ex-President Alberto Fujimori

AP, Reuters     


Emperor thanks public for help with abdication on 84th birthday



             2017 was a year of awakening


2017 has been called “the Great Reckoning” and “the year of the women’s march,” while Time magazine identified “the Silence Breakers” — women who spoke out against the systematic abuse of power by men — as its person of the year and the Merriam-Webster dictionary declared “feminism” to be its word of the year. No specific event made the year that concluded so monumental in this long overdue accounting. The election as U.S. president of Donald Trump, a man who bragged on tape about the ability of powerful men to abuse women as they chose, was not the trigger. Other White House occupants have committed equally disturbing acts of abuse against women.


If a single individual deserves that “credit,” it is Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful men in the movie industry, who used his position to become a political player, a taste maker and a serial abuser of women. Yet close examination suggests that it was not Weinstein who is the key to this transition in sentiment and its effect, but the victims themselves.

The victims whom Weinstein allegedly abused were some of the most visible and admired women in the world, and who, as a result, enjoyed power and privilege themselves. If they were unable to protect themselves from predation and victimization, then what hope is there for all the other women who did not enjoy that status, money or visibility? This exposure transformed the debate about the place of women in society — and not just in the United States — from one that focused on sex to one that instead centered on power.

Too often, debates about women take two discrete forms. In one, the issue is sexual or physical abuse, and the focus is on horrific images and tales of violence perpetrated against women. This contextualization allows most men to take comfort from that fact that this does not concern them as they do not indulge in such acts.

In the second debate, the focus is on the representation of women in society: the percentage of the workforce they represent, their average annual wage, and their representation in boardrooms and political assemblies. This is a dry, desiccated and depersonalized discussion, one that allows men to plead that they too are the victim — or at least unable to influence — anonymous forces at work on societies.

The events of 2017 merged those two strands, and made plain that the hardships experienced by women are linked. Their lack of representation within the power structure facilitates violence against them. This explains the potency of the #MeToo hashtag: It provided a way for ordinary women to share their experiences and gain a sense of empowerment through that sharing.

Those experiences are far too common. The World Health Organization estimates that one women in three is a victim of violence, either physical, sexual or psychological. According to the European Union, 45 to 55 percent of women over the age of 15 in Europe have experienced sexual harassment. The United Nations reckons that in some countries as much as one-third of adolescent girls’ first sexual experience is forced.

Fortunately, Japan has no figure to compare with Weinstein or Trump, but this country cannot dismiss this phenomenon either. According to 2016 government report, almost a third of Japanese women have been sexually harassed at work. One analysis shows that there were about 60,000 tweets on sexual misconduct over a recent two-month period in Japan, with a striking jump after one sharing of a single incident of harassment. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said that “creating a society in which all women shine is one of the defining policies of Abenomics,” and his government set numerous goals to accomplish th

at objective. In some cases, he succeeded: The labor force participation of women has increased. In others, he has not and has had to scale back targets, such as in the representation of women in boardrooms. Without question, however, women here, as in other countries, do not have the access to power, success and opportunity that men enjoy.

The challenge now is to ensure that the awakening of 2017 does not end in inaction. Women must seize this opportunity and work with men to recalibrate power in their societies in ways that offer equal protections and equal opportunities for all. There is, in fact, no alternative.


Repercussions: Former lawmaker Mayuko Toyota heads to a meeting in Saitama Prefecture on Sept. 18 to apologize over allegations that she physically and verbally abused a secretary in May. | KYODO

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Japanese media’s hits and misses of 2017


Aside from players with axes to grind on either side of the ideological divide, outlets such as The Washington Post managed to keep facts in sight and as a result did some of their best work in years.


Matters aren’t as problematic in Japan because the mainstream media here rarely acts in an adversarial capacity. Japan’s masukomi (mass communication) is on the same power continuum that runs through the country’s political and economic worlds, but the fact that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has bet the nation’s well-being on the Manichean delusions of U.S. President Donald Trump should make all Japanese reporters and editors with a conscience worry about the state of their souls.

Topic of the year: North Korea


Case in point. The Kim Jong Un regime provides a villain for all occasions. Its evils and stupidities are easily mocked because Japan has no diplomatic relations with, or economic stake in, the country. There is, of course, the Japanese who were abducted by North Korea, not to mention their families, who believe their loved ones are still alive and languishing on the other side of the Sea of Japan, but generally the Japanese government has controlled the story to its own benefit, and the media goes along because the narrative sells publications and boosts ratings.

Now that Kim has an atomic bomb and missiles that might hit their targets, the story isn’t funny any more. Especially with he and Trump playing chicken. The latter can afford the bluster because he thinks he will wipe out Pyongyang before any retaliatory consequences reach American soil, but before that South Korea and maybe parts of Japan could be reduced to smoking piles. The Japanese media hasn’t come to grips with this possibility (neither has the South Korean media), probably because it’s unthinkable, but they could at least ask the government about it, and why they’ve ceded the matter to Donald Trump.

‘Nonpersons’ of the year No. 1: Yasunori and Junko Kagoike


Two scandals dogged Shinzo Abe. Both were education-related and connected personally to him, but due to the peculiar qualities of political influence in Japan, the press (mostly The Asahi Shimbun) and opposition parties had a hard time proving direct relationships between Abe and the favors granted to the two institutions involved. One institution is a new veterinary department for Okayama University of Science that will be operated by a close friend of the prime minister and the other is a Moritomo Gakuen elementary school that initially had his wife, Akie, as its honorary head and which received a huge discount for land it purchased from the government.

The hapless couple behind the elementary school — Yasunori and Junko Kagoike — staked their fortunes on access to major public figures such as the Abes and former Defense Minister Tomomi Inada through calculatedly shared political principles, and they insist the Abes were involved in the project. They were arrested for fraud five months ago and have remained in jail and under wraps ever since. Consequently, the scandal ran out of steam and reporters have stopped covering it.

‘Nonperson’ of the year No. 2: Shiori Ito


Japan has been slow to join the worldwide anti-sexual harassment movement sparked by The New York Times’ exposure of Harvey Weinstein as a serial sexual predator. Shiori Ito, a young reporter who says she was raped two years ago by a well-known veteran journalist, has become the standard bearer for whatever the movement represents in Japan, but her story was mainly reported by overseas press.

Though sexual harassment is a problem in any work environment, it is significant that Ito’s alleged attack took place in the world of the mainstream media, since it’s exactly the kind of lurid story the Japanese press loves but, in this case, is reluctant to or is under pressure to not cover.

Quote of the year: “Kono hage!”


There’s no direct way to translate former Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Mayuko Toyota‘s clandestinely recorded attack on her aide as he was driving her somewhere.

The most honest interpretation would be something like, “You bald-headed idiot!,” though that doesn’t convey the unhinged looniness of her anger, which is funny and scary at the same time and may explain why Toyota was not returned to office in last fall’s Lower House election while other scandal-tainted politicians were. Or was the reason because there’s still some sort of additional stigma attached to women who act out in such a way? Or that there are just a lot more sensitive balding voters than we thought?

Most valuable player No. 1: Isoko Mochizuki


The veteran Tokyo Shimbun reporter caused a sensation last spring when she attended a press conference at the prime minister’s residence — not her normal beat — and hounded Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga about the aforementioned veterinary department scandal, in the process schooling fellow journalists who usually lob softballs at such events.

Predictably, there’s been reports that Mochizuki has been banned from future Cabinet press conferences, but her performance still resonates. Of course, to her there was nothing extraordinary about it. She just did what she’s supposed to do.

Most valuable player No. 2: NHK


The public broadcaster’s regular bulletins are safe and boring, but its in-depth news coverage has become provocative.

The nightly series “Close-up Gendai” has done some impressive work recently, especially on the topic of renewable energy, and the “NHK Special” documentaries about the Japan-U.S. security alliance, in particular revelations about nuclear weapons kept on Okinawa, were thorough and clear. I’d easily forgive them for the poky 9 p.m. news if they made all their documentary archives free on demand. After all, I pay for it.

                                  Happy New Year !



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