
                                                    Super Moon



                                                     am 7:30

          Super Moon 月の入り




Kita, meaning north, named 2017 kanji of the year amid growing North Korea threat


Chief Buddhist priest Seihan Mori of Kiyomizu Temple hand wrote the character with a large calligraphy brush on a massive piece of paper at the famous temple where this year’s kanji was announced.

North Korea has continued to pursue its nuclear weapons and missile programs this year despite a raft of tough new sanctions, conducting its sixth nuclear test and launching a spate of missiles, including two that flew over Hokkaido.

Last year, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation picked the kanji kin (金), meaning gold or money, after Japan won 12 gold medals at the Rio Olympics and former Tokyo Gov. Yoichi Masuzoe was forced to resign over a political funds scandal.

North Korean bodies and boats reach Japan’s coasts, but more survivors, too


Charles Jenkins, U.S. defector to North Korea and husband of former Japanese abductee Hitomi Soga, dies at 77


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