





村上龍「If the Double Helix Wakes Up」 (2002年)
村上龍「If the Double Helix Wakes Up」 (2002年)



我が家のクリスマス サンタクロース
我が家のクリスマス サンタクロース








                                                                             Museumof Fine Arts , MFA





Katsushika Hokusai : " Great Wave 神奈川沖浪裏 "
Katsushika Hokusai : " Great Wave 神奈川沖浪裏 "

A detail of 'Hokusai Manga, vol. 1' (1814) by Katsushika Hokusai | URAGAMI MITSURU COLLECTION, TOKYO

Hokusai’s great wave that swept Europe


Innovative, creative, and immensely prolific, Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) was celebrated during his lifetime in his native Japan. His works were among the first major examples of Japanese art to be widely appreciated overseas in the second half of the 19th century.

“Hokusai and Japonisme” at the National Museum of Western Art highlights various ways the artist’s impact changed the course of European art. It brings together more than 300 items including prints, sketches and paintings by the master himself and, from Europe, everything from paintings, prints and sculpture to plates, vases, lamps and furniture inspired by Hokusai’s style.


The exhibition starts with examples of how early European diplomats and traders included reproductions of Hokusai works, in particular his woodblock prints, in their travel diaries and accounts of Japan. Uncredited, the works here were used less for their aesthetic merit than as illustrations of the life and customs of a strange, exotic land. In one book, Hokusai’s depictions of Japanese warriors were reproduced in reverse, as though they had been traced directly. Art dealers and critics in Europe, meanwhile, began championing Hokusai as a major artist, highlighting his work in book collections of Japanese art and dedicated publications.

While it’s true that Hokusai’s works in many ways formed the backbone of the burgeoning Japonisme movement, when we consider how, for example, Vincent Van Gogh was enamoured with the work of Hokusai’s contemporary Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), it can appear a bit much for the entire roots of Japonisme to be carried on one artist’s shoulders.

The exhibition is structured around Hokusai’s achievements in various areas such as the human figure, animals, landscape and his use of motifs, all of which caught the attention of European artists and connoisseurs.

Hokusai’s flower and plant motifs were thought to lent themselves perfectly to the adornment of glass and tableware, such as a 19th-century plate displaying a chrysanthemum and sparrow design by Felix Bracquemond and Francois-Eugene Rousseau, and a morning glory lamp (1904) by Emile Galle, whose use of Japonisme helped establish art nouveau.

While the origin of these designs, and, for example, the many items based on Hokusai’s masterpiece “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” (c. 1833) is obvious, the exhibition also highlights how other European artworks were indebted to Hokusai. Claude Monet is just one of such artists who placed strong vertical trees in the foreground of a landscape painting to break up the frame and explore different ways of presenting space — a technique lifted directly from Hokusai.

European art’s increased attention paid to the depiction of the human figure in a variety of activities and poses is also attributed to Hokusai, who keenly observed everyday gestures and habits of people and depicted them in his work. His “Hokusai Manga,” an early 18th-century collection of sketches of everyday life, featured throughout the exhibition, also influenced Edgar Degas, whose famous ballet dancers — such as one who stands with her hands on her hips — are compared to the poses in Hokusai’s studies of sumo wrestlers. Some of Degas’ paintings of race horses (1866-68) were also based on studies in the series.

In its investigation into Japan-inspired European art, “Hokusai and Japonisme” is rich, varied and exhaustive. One of its strengths is that it opens up the survey of Japonisme from the usual focus on Central Europe to include lesser-known examples from, for example, Poland. It offers a great showcase on how Hokusai’s talent itself swept over Europe like a great wave.

“Hokusai and Japonisme” at The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo runs until Jan. 28; 9:30 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. ¥1,600. Closed Mon. www.nmwa.go.jp/en/exhibitions/2017hokusai.html















Van Gogh’s long-distance love affair


Attempting to establish what became a short-lived artists’ collective in Arles from early 1888, Van Gogh described a town surrounded by fields of spring flowers as a “Japanese dream.” He wrote to his sister that he no longer needed Japanese paintings: “Here in Arles, I am in Japan.” This fanciful outlook transposed a cheerier disposition upon what were famously troubled times for the artist.

 The exhibition’s focus is the bric-a-brac of Van Gogh’s Japan fetishism from around 1886-1890. These include Japan references culled from his letters; Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints; illustrations he copied, such as the cover of the May 1886 Paris Illustre Le Japon; and Japanese imagery adapted to oil paintings, like the gaudy and incongruous collage of “Courtesan (after Eisen)” (1887). Further mention must be made of the ukiyo-e exhibition Van Gogh arranged in a favored cafe in 1887, and the inspiration he received from Pierre Loti’s novel, “Madame Chrysanthemum,” in 1888.

The wider context for Van Gogh’s stylistic development after he arrived in Paris in 1886, and then later in Arles from 1888, however, included the influence of the Barbizon school and religious paintings, along with other European painters whose work he made numerous copies of. Bright and flat colors, thick brush strokes, heavy contours and heightened attention to nature were all either elements inherent in earlier European painting styles, or were the already assimilated aspects of Japonism found in previous decades of French impressionism.

Regardless, Japan reciprocated the Dutch painter’s yearnings with imaginative excesses of other kinds. Van Gogh was popularized in Japan two decades after his death through devotees such as novelist Saneatsu Mushanokoji, expressionist painters Yori Saito and Ryusei Kishida, and literati of the Shirakaba-ha (White Birch Society).

Early 20th-century writings sometimes envisaged Van Gogh as an untrammeled recluse in the manner of the centuries-old Eastern scholar-painter ideal. With Van Gogh having painted himself as a Japanese monk (“Bonze”) in 1888, his legendary ear-slicing incident alludes to the biographic instance of the similarly self-mutilating Buddhist priest, Myoe (1173-1232). In a sense, Van Gogh became a kind of surrogate Japanese operating within French modernism.

In the 1920s and ’30s, Japanese artists and enthusiasts made pilgrimages to Auvers- sur-Oise, a suburb of Paris, where a number of works were maintained by the son of Paul-Ferdinand Gachet, the doctor who oversaw Van Gogh’s final months. The display of visitors’ books at the exhibition reveal more than 240 Japanese names. Also on show is Kanji Maeta’s 1923 painting of the gravestones of Van Gogh and his brother Theo.

Contemporary homage by Yasumasa Morimura rounds out the exhibition. In 1888, Van Gogh painted his bedroom, flattening the perspective and omitting shadows to a style suggestive of a Japanese print. A life-size stage-set model of that room was created by Morimura in 2016 as the backdrop for a flattering photographic “self-portrait” of himself in the guise of Van Gogh.

“Van Gogh & Japan” at The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, runs until March 4; ¥1,500. For more information, visit www.momak.go.jp.











墜ちた名門「神戸製鋼」のあきれかえる言い訳 経営陣が重視したのは「儲けているか」だけ

© 東洋経済オンライン 創立100年を超える名門企業の信頼は失墜した(撮影:ヒラオカスタジオ、デザ…



















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   Voters set to deliver verdict on Abe in Lower House election



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                        Identifying the ‘liberal’ in Japanese politics



Abe’s gamble pays off as ruling bloc bags two-thirds majority in Lower House



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Abe emerges stronger with win, but faces nation still divided over constitutional revision




        LDP’s Inada survives scandals but Toyota loses Diet seat



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Among Japan’s voters, hope for new blood vies with desire for stability




Abe claims victory as powerful endorsement, may seek re-election next month




Japan’s election results show women making little progress despite Abe’s landslide victory

Bloomberg, Kyodo     



Koike says she won’t resign as Kibo no To head after poor election showing

by and


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe receives applause at the Lower House on Wednesday as he is re-elected following the ruling bloc's landslide victory in last month's general election. | SATOKO KAWASAKI


After formal re-election, Abe faces robust opposition to goal of revising pacifist Constitution


In a special Diet session convened Wednesday, Abe was elected with 312 votes, while Yukio Edano, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, finished second at 60, followed by Shu Watanabe from Kibo no To (Party of Hope) at 51, according to Kyodo News. Although Kibo no To’s leader is Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike, she cannot be elected because she’s not a Diet member.

Following criticism from the opposition bloc, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito pair agreed to keep the Diet session open until early December and have Abe deliver a policy speech.

The compromise was aimed at appeasing a frustrated opposition, which had slammed the ruling camp’s initial plan to hold a Diet session lasting just eight days — a move the opposition claimed would allow Abe to avoid questions over two favoritism scandals that significantly eroded his support rate earlier in the year.

With Wednesday’s re-election, Abe’s immediate focus now turns to Donald Trump’s forthcoming visit to Tokyo, which starts on Sunday.

Trump’s visit is being touted as a “perfect opportunity” to demonstrate Tokyo’s watertight alliance with Washington and a chance to reaffirm their joint commitment to maximizing pressure on nuclear-armed North Korea.

Abe will also waste no time in working toward compiling by year-end an economic package worth ¥2 trillion — a key pledge in his campaign for the Oct. 22 election — to bolster education and social security programs, including free day care and kindergarten services and support for young people in poverty.

In the longer term, the focus will be on how aggressively Abe is willing to push for his political goal of revising Japan’s postwar Constitution.

The October election gave the ruling Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito bloc a two-thirds supermajority in the Lower House. That, together with control of a similar share of the Upper House, allows Abe to call the first ever referendum on revising the U.S.-drafted charter.

Combined with opposition parties in favor of constitutional amendment — including Kibo no To and Ishin no To (Japan Innovation Party) — the pro-revision forces in the Lower House now control a whopping 371 seats, accounting for nearly 80 percent of the 465-seat chamber.

Nonetheless, timing for a constitutional amendment could prove tricky.

The next Upper House election, scheduled for the summer of 2019, will naturally discourage the ruling coalition from risking any politically sensitive endeavors in the months before.

But waiting until after the poll could also be a gamble, as there is no guarantee that the current two-thirds supermajority would be retained in the election.

These factors suggest Abe is likely to stick to the initially rumored timeline of kicking off a referendum by the end of next year’s ordinary legislative session, which usually convenes in January.

Since the public is still divided over whether to revise the Constitution, Abe may for now postpone formalizing the status of the SDF and prioritize less contentious issues, such as having the Constitution guarantee free education and better define Japan’s decentralization, said Tomoaki Iwai, a professor of political science at Nihon University.

In an NHK survey in March, 57 percent of respondents opposed revising Article 9, while 25 percent supported such a move.

That the CDP, which opposes Abe’s bid to change the charter, won enough votes to become the biggest opposition party means the prime minister is likely to tread carefully in revising Article 9, the professor added.

“It is imperative that Abe calls the referendum based on a wide range of support from opposition parties. Such broad support will make his proposal look more acceptable for the public and ultimately help him survive the vote,” Iwai said.

This means cooperation from the CDP, in addition to pro-revision opposition parties, is almost unavoidable, he said.

“Abe’s real wish is to change Article 9, but there are other ways he can still have the honor of being remembered as the first prime minister who revised the charter,” Iwai said.

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